Did you see em hoppin? If not you may want to take a trip to ATE to see all the new goodies the march round has going on! Here are just a few of the items you'll see there! Enjoy! 💖
Curious to see who I'm sponsored by or my modeling resume? Link to my modeling resume here:
Roleplayer and Owner of the Marketplace SL store ~The Lilly Pad~ Link here: marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/218093
Blogsite: badanimegrl.wixsite.com/lillycross
SL Inworld Name: LillyoftheVeil
Main FB: www.facebook.com/AnnaOtako
Lilly Cross FB: www.facebook.com/LillyoftheVeil/
Twitter: twitter.com/badanimegrl
Avatlife: www.avatlife.com/theLillyPad